2015 Hackathon

Yesterday (Nov. 19, 2015) I’ve had an opportunity to participate in the 2015 Hackathon.
It was an amazing experience, and a chance to meet some awesome people!

Our app won the 1st prize – a PS4 for the group, and Xiaomi Yi Sport & a movie ticket for each one of us 😀
Thanks to Eli, Elad, Liat & Yoray – it was superb.

The subject

The hackathon subject was to come up with Apps that will help with the cost of living in Israel.
After dropping the ideas we originally came with, we ended up with a completely new one: – An app that allows restaurants, shops & individuals to give away, or sell in a very attractive price, food that is bound to be disposed in a day or two.

The app allows people to find relevant places in their nearest environment.
you can have a look at it here:
and our git repo:

Tech behind it

BackEnd – nodeJS, mongo
FrontEnd – AngularJs & Angular Material

Feel free to fork & extend it…
And again, thanks for the best team ever!

Few pics from the event

Unfortunately i’m not in the pic with the prizes… had to leave early in order to catch a train home 😋

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